
Assiut Governorate

Dear Guest tourist ... 
You will complete our visits to the provinces and the cities of Egypt, together Sntjol exactly where exactly where the archaeological and tourist and entertainment .. through a tourist trip to Egypt, which we promised, which you will add a fun tour, tourism in all parts of Egypt - Egypt is the minimum - 
In this journey you will travel fast our guests to the province of the governorates of Egypt, which called at the bride .. 

Assiut Governorate: Located on an area of ​​120 square kilometers, with a strikethrough River Nile in Upper Egypt, such as giving them a luster and beauty unmatched .. 
Bounded to the east the mountains of the Red Sea, the west by the mountains of New Valley, and north-Minya Governorate, on the south province of Sohag .. km Asyut province, about 375 km from Cairo .. having an international airport and an internal transport tourists into and out of and the Railway Station, Egypt 

The ancient Egyptians held city of Assiut on the banks of the River Nile and its name was at that time Ciot which is derived from the word "equal to" meaning "guard" in ancient Egyptian ... 

Was in the era of the Pharaohs base for the region XIII and was inhabited by the King's Deputy in that period, and in the era of the Greeks divided Egypt into the Delta, Egypt Central, and Upper Egypt, and was Assiut, capital of one of these sections, as was the capital of north in the era of the Romans n In the era of Muhammad Ali Egypt was divided into seven states, one of which includes Jirga, "a province of Sohag, one of the centers now," and Assiut, and was called the first half of the Northern capital, and Assiut ... 

Assiut of the oldest provinces in Upper Egypt and the largest, it is Plateau western province of Assiut start the most important caravan routes old between Egypt and Sudan, "Darfur and Kordofan," by the path of forty, and was this way - until recently - a big impact in the history of Assiut in terms of commercial and industrial and, on the plateau are the Middle Eastern and stretches it Assuit Valley and has the most important tourist destinations, a "protected Assuit Valley" 

Assiut governorate consists of 11 center, and 11 cities and 52 rural local units comprising 235, 971 Ezbet village and hamlet 

Assiut centers, namely: 

Dairout - Assiut - Badari - Qusiya - Obotej - Sadfa - Obnob - Ottoman - Conquest - Manfalout - Sahel Selim 

National Day of Assiut Governorate: 

Celebrates Assiut National Day on April 18 of each year, and due date of the anniversary of the revolution built Adiat, which lies at the tip of Western Sahara Manfalout, where the revolution was built except against the French under the leadership of Sheikh Hassan Al-Khatib, who is said to be descendants - caliph Omar Ibn Khattab - Caliph of the Muslims. Was the people of Bani Adi sent groups to the Nile to attack the French ships, and led by Sheikh Hassan Al-Khatib and Sheikh Abu infection and Sheikh Mohammed of Morocco, and about 450 of the Egyptians, and about 300 of the Mamluks, and the General "Dafoe" means built except to grab it and occupation, and when he arrived found the people all have the arms, and strive the people in defending against attacks from the French army, and fought a furious battle in the streets of the village and in their homes, which turned out to be castles military to fight the French army next to the occupation of the village, and the battle ended in the failure of the French army to enter the village (built Adi) resorted French to burn the village fire and around their homes to the flame of the fire and not otherwise able to enter the French village .. 

Of Assiut cultural heritage of different ages .. from the Pharaonic era, the Roman era, the Coptic era, from the Islamic era .. 
There is the civilization of gunpowder East Center Sadfa .. 
There Assiut also the effects of the Mir - the effects of short-Amarna - the effects of Mount Assiut west - the effects of Der Riva - the effects of write-off - boards pictures of the city Akhenaten - the effects of com house in Arab Amayem - effects Alhamaih - the effects of estate Yusuf - the effects of Der Aljibraoy - the effects of Arabs Alattiyat - the effects of Moaabdah .... 

There are also maintenance: Deir al-Muharraq Baqusih - the Virgin Mary Monastery - Monastery of Saint Sarabamoun - Monastery of Martyr Mina commentator famous monastery - Monastery of Saint Tawadros - Monastery of Our Lady - Deir Anba Tadros .... 

There are also signs of a famous Islamic maintain ... 

Olokuil - bathroom Fixed - Vntrh Majzoub - Cemetery Majzoub - Institute of Fuad I - Jalal al-Din mosque Suyootee - Mosque of Abu eyes .... 

There is also the Museum School for Peace, and protected Assuit Valley, Assiut Barrage, the permanent exhibition of the Regional Commission for the revitalization of tourism, tourist camp, tourist Assiut Marsa, Marsa Horus tourism ...

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